General links
- Video for Everybody!: cross-browser support of HTML5 video and methods of fallback
- Oracle Cuts Affect GNOME Accessibility Work: “…as a result of the layoffs … ‘the accessibility of the GNOME desktop will become the open source equivalent of an unfunded mandate, doomed ultimately to fail’ …”
- Google Acquires Aardvark For $50 million
- “the latest publication of HTML5 is now blocked by Adobe, via an objection that has still not been made public (despite yesterday’s promise to make it so)”
- The iPhone obsession (QuirksMode)
- DOMTiming interface being implemented in Chromium and Firefox
- A Hidden Cost of Javascript: file size is a factor in performance, but so is parse and load time
- Announcing High Performance JavaScript: Nicholas Zakas announces his latest book, due in March 2010.
- Video: Google Buzz Launch Event
- JSConf speaker lineup?: Apparently pictures from JSConf 2010′s speaker lineup (via John-David Dalton’s twitter)